Inside or outside?

June 18, 2017
Posted in Messages

Inside or outside?

The “Lessons in Space” Series

Part 1

After the resurrection, Jesus’s disciples struggled to know what to believe. They were confused about what it all meant. But this in some ways was their preparation for Pentecost, the coming and abiding of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit was sent by Jesus, as he promised, not simply to be around or outside or even with the disciples. The Holy Spirit was given to be inside, to dwell within the hearts of the disciples. But not just within them. Also within us.

Christ dwells with us his people by his Holy Spirit, and he lives within us, to be with us, to transform us, and to lead us. There is, then, for us, the constant need and desire to open our hearts more to him, even as he knocks on the door of our heart.