A father’s prayer

December 7, 2018
December 7, 2018 Jonathan Evans

A father’s prayer

It is of much encouragement to know that someone out there is praying for you. It is of infinite encouragement to know that Jesus, the Son of God, is interceding for you in the heavens at the right hand of God (Romans 8:34).

It is with the One who loves me and prays for me in mind that I daily pray this for my children. 

“Father, I pray that you would protect them from all harm.” 

There is much we’re not aware of and much we don’t know to be aware of. We all need someone to watch out for us and over us. Jesus prayed that the Father would protect his disciples from the evil one (John 17) who comes to kill, steal, and destroy.  As our Good Shepherd and we the sheep of his pasture, he prays for our protection from hunger, thirst, self-harm, and wolves. He prays for our protection from troubled, fearful, and discouraged hearts in this world. 

A father’s heart is never to leave his children in the world exposed to danger. He will provide for them, prepare them, and defend them 

“Father, I pray that you would strengthen them for every task.” 

We often get distracted from, lazy in, and weary of the important tasks and responsibilities we have. We all need someone to encourage us along the way to keep doing good and to not give up. Jesus taught his disciples that the spirit is often willing, but the flesh is often weak. Sometimes the spirit will win, sometimes the flesh will. But in times of testing, through prayer, the spirit and the flesh can learn to work together. As we are formed into the image of Christ, as he is formed within us, a steadfastness of heart is produced, a capacity to endure and go the distance. 

A father’s heart is never to send his children out into the world without the strength of character to face it, respect it, learn from it, and walk in it. 

“Father, I pray that you would lead them in all your ways.”  

We don’t always see or know which way to go in life. We all need someone who will show us or tell us. Jesus gave his disciples his words, his power, his authority, his example, his very life to show them the ways in which they were to walk and live. But more than that, Jesus was “the way” (John 14:6). He is the way God is made known to us and we are made known to God. It isn’t a formal introduction between us and God that Jesus facilitates. Rather, it is the warm embrace of a Father and his long lost son or daughter. Jesus facilitates a welcoming home. 

A father’s heart is never to let his children go out into the world without them first knowing his heart for them—that he has loved them and will love them always. God has made known to us his heart and all that is in it in Christ Jesus.