For Leaders: September Growth Resource

September 6, 2019
September 6, 2019 Jonathan Evans

For Leaders: September Growth Resource

Every month Pastor Jonathan sends out a brief leadership growth resource email to our
church leadership.

If you’re in leadership of any kind, our aim is to help resource you as well. So here’s our September resource. We hope you’ll find something useful to you and to your leadership.


Taking the time to watch/listen to one and the same podcast together is our leadership discipline for 2019.

“Ever wish there was a better way to simplify your life and leadership? People often waste time on things that don’t move them toward goals or objectives. That’s ‘slack,’ and it adds to inefficiency in our organizations and stress in our personal lives. In this episode, you’ll get a five-step outline from Craig Groeschel to cut the slack, minimize stress, and simplify your life and leadership.”


A leadership BOOK that’s challenging me:

“The Last Stand Of The Tin Can Soldiers” is the story of the Battle off Samar. Thirteen American warships began a fight they couldn’t win—and fought it to the death. One of the paragraphs that captivated me was this one: “A fighting force cannot be reduced to its order of battle any more than a ship’s value can be reduced to the number of guns she carries or the shaft horsepower her turbines generate. A vessel draws life from the spirit of her crew, which derives in large part from the leadership qualities of her chiefs and officers. Morale defies quantification—and yet weighs significantly on the ultimate lethality of the tools of war. A ship’s effectiveness is the product of thousands of bonds that develop between individual officers and crew. The bonds form and break in a chain reaction, the power of which is determined by drill, by relationships, by fortitude, faith, and values.”


A leadership PRINCIPLE I’m applying:

The 20 Mile March

The 20 Mile March is a concept developed in Jim Collins’ book, “Great By Choice”. Enterprises that prevail in turbulence self-impose a rigorous performance mark to hit with great consistency—like hiking across the United States by marching at least 20 miles a day, every day. The march imposes order amidst disorder, discipline amidst chaos, and consistency amidst uncertainty. What are the “marks” we need to be continually hitting as Elim Grace?


A leadership THOUGHT I’m pondering:

“We will begin by learning to tie our shoes.”
Coach John Wooden

I used this quote recently in a sermon. John Wooden won 10 NCAA championships in 12 years. Every season he returned to the basics. There are basic daily disciplines in life and ministry that we can never outgrow or outpace. They’re not hard to find, but they are sure easy to overlook.


One KEY THING I believe God is saying to us:

As goes the prayer life of the leadership, so goes the prayer life of the church. A key aspect of this is learning to pray for one another. Write an email, shoot a text: “Is there anything I can be praying for today?”