March 13, 2020
March 13, 2020 Jonathan Evans


Good morning,

Along with many of you, I have been following the development and impact of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) on our nation and our state. While we all may feel different as to what and how should be our individual response, I have recorded two short videos for us as Elim Grace, “Do not live in fear” and “Do not mock the fear of others”. You can watch both here: https://www.elimgrace.org/category/blog/

I have been and am aware of churches beginning to close their doors in the D.C. area, Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, California, and New York. I’m sure there are more that I am not aware of. As of yesterday, Governor Cuomo has banned any public gatherings of 500 people or more. This may change in the immediate future, so we will be monitoring closely. 

Until then, we will continue to gather together on Saturday evenings and Sunday mornings. However, this email is to inform you of some immediate changes in our weekend services. 


Our Service Hosts will open the doors for you and welcome you and your family. They will clean the door handles before, during, and after each meeting.


You may choose to refrain from shaking hands, giving hugs or sitting directly next to someone else. We recommend using common sense in your interactions with other people, especially the elderly and young children. Please do not be offended if other people maintain their distance from you or don’t greet you as they customarily would.


Alissa or one designated volunteer will be doing all Elim Kids check-in. This will no longer be something parents or their children do. Elim Kids Teachers and Volunteers will be cleaning toys, tables, and all other necessary items as they always do before, during, and after each service.


We no longer do prayer circles. We will continue with our new two minute drill and have a personal and private time of prayer.


All coffee, cream, and sugar will be served by our Hospitality Volunteers from behind the counter in our fellowship area. This includes our donuts. As always, they will be a wearing gloves. Please be patient as you wait for your coffee and donut over the coming weeks.


We will not be passing the offering plates during our services. They will be placed at the front and the back of the sanctuary where you are free to give before or after our services. You can also give online at elimgrace.org/give


What can we do for ourselves? It should go without saying that we should be using the common sense preventative measures that we already use during cold and flu season (such as washing hands, staying home if you’re sick, avoiding close contact, covering coughs and sneezes). It is especially important that you stay ahead of your stress and stay well-rested during these times. 

What can we do for others? Check in on those who are of the older population or those prone to respiratory issues. They may need more practical help now than in the past. 

In general, be mindful of others. If you have supplies and know of someone that doesn’t, be generous and give some away. Be kind.


In addition to all this, I have spent most of the last two days planning and preparing should we need to close our doors for any length of time. If that time comes, we will support our Public Health Officials and do our part to serve and love our neighbors as ourselves. 

Should we need to close our doors, we will:

1) Stream our services – we will continue to stream within Facebook, but I have tasked our Assistant Pastor Joe to find us an online platform that will allow us to stream outside of Facebook as well. What our time online together would look like would probably involve worship, prayer, and a sermon. Depending on length of closure, online videos during the week for pastoral devotionals and teachings would likely increase. We are blessed with the technology that enables us to be able to still gather together in this way.

2) Prepare financially – I have tasked that a bare bones monthly budget be prepared, i.e. what would be our monthly MINIMUM expenses. I know what this number is during normal times, but closing our doors will likely have some financial impact on us and it would be good to know in advance what we need. Any major projects and upgrades would likely be put on hold.

I (we) are neither planning nor making changes out of fear or panic.This may all pass tomorrow or it may be part of our daily life for the foreseeable future. Either way, in crisis or peace, we will live by faith in God, wisdom in this world, and love towards our neighbor.

If you have any questions at all, please call the office at 315-342-3585

Pastor Jonathan