CHANGE FOR GOOD: How do I want to change?

March 17, 2020
March 17, 2020 Jonathan Evans

CHANGE FOR GOOD: How do I want to change?

(Change For Good is an ongoing series of thoughts and observations on life as impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic)

Almost everyone now on planet earth knows about COVID-19 or the Coronavirus. It’s impact is being felt by everyone, everywhere, in just about every way.

We are being both asked and forced to change how we live. For some the changes are radical. For others simply an extension of their current lifestyle. But in one way or another the change has been unwelcome.

We would rather not live this way. We probably wouldn’t choose it. Still, we accept it. Reluctantly maybe. With some (or much) underlying grumbling. But we see the larger and the greater good for which all these changes are necessary.

As we enter into an unknown season of change – how long will it last, how severe will it be, how will things work – we get to choose the disposition of our heart towards this change. In other words, what position will you take?

Will it be a position of selfishness and a me first attitude? Will it be of fear and panic? Will it be of anger and resentment? Will it be of despair and giving up?

Or will it be of honor and love, peace and joy, humility and wisdom, hope and faith?

We are all going to change. The question becomes, then, how do you want to change?

You individually are going to change. Will you lead yourself to change for the better or for the worse?

Your family and its habits are going to change. Will you lead it to be for the better or for the worse?

Our community is going to change. Do we want to lead the way and play a part in it for the better or for the worse?

Again, in many ways, change is not a choice. Only how you will change.

In communication, you smile before you begin to speak. It sets a tone. And it’s easier to maintain that smile throughout. In change, we should also smile before we begin the day. It sets a tone. And it’s easier to maintain that smile throughout the day.

Each day begins with that choice: how will I change today? Not how can I change the day, but how can the day change me. Will I change with a smile and with purpose? Or with a frown and with resignation?

If you consider yourself a disciple of Jesus, God’s grace is not a frown but a daily smile.  He makes His face to shine upon you. At all times. In every season. In every circumstance.

As disciples, the position of our heart daily, the disposition of our entire life, is “not my will, but yours, be done”. (Luke 22:42)

Ask yourself: What does Jesus want when He wants me to change? What does He want when my day to day life is disrupted, if not turned upside down? What does He want when my kids are out of school for weeks or months and at home? What does Jesus want when I no longer have to run from one scheduled event to another every night of the week? What does Jesus want when just about everything in my life is changing?

He wants what’s best. He always has, does, and always will. He’s the same yesterday, today, and forever.

What’s best for me is “subject to change”. That doesn’t mean that what is best changes in God’s heart and mind from one day to the next. It means that God’s best for me always comes in and through change —changes in me and changes in my life.

The changes we feel due to COVID-19 may be here to stay. Or they may be temporary. Either way, we can receive these changes for our good, we can change for good, by positioning our hearts to follow Jesus into unprecedented times and unknown changes.

In every trouble we face, Jesus reminds us, “Let not your hearts be troubled. Believe in God; believe also in me.” (John 14:1, italics mine)