“Reopening” Elim Grace

May 4, 2020
May 4, 2020 Jonathan Evans

“Reopening” Elim Grace

Dear Elim Grace,

As of last week, in the county of Oswego, the number of COVID-19 cases was around .0006% of the county population. And last I heard, in the city of Oswego, the number of cases was around .0002% of the city population. Thankfully! These numbers mean we can move forward with hope and confidence when the time is right.

Let’s say it again, “The building is closed but the church is open.” YOU are the church, Elim Grace!

In an effort to honor our authorities, to guard our witness, and to impose as few restrictions as possible on you when we gather again, our plan for “reopening” Elim Grace is as follows:

PHASE 1 — When our state/local government allows for groups of 10:

SMALL GROUP (Return to your small group and Bible study w/ max of 10 people)

PHASE 2 — When our state/local government allows for groups of more than 10:

HOUSE PARTY (Invite 1-2 families to your home to watch the service with and share a meal afterwards)

*A “house party” is an opportunity to reconnect, to sing and to pray together, to minister and to serve one another. In inviting a “family” we encourage you to remember those among us who are single and/or live alone.

PHASE 3 — When our state/local government allows for “mass gatherings”:

FULL RETURN (All services as normal – Saturdays 5pm and Sundays 9&11am – w/ Saturday set aside strictly for the elderly and our most vulnerable. This will provide additional protection and help for them as they reintegrate into the larger society.)

With a full return in Phase 3, there will be changes, including but not limited to:

  • A Service Host will open all doors into the building and sanctuary
  • Our seating will look different with smaller rows and more space between them
  • We will not be passing an offering plate
  • As we were practicing before COVID, there will no longer be prayer circles
  • We will be changing our approach to communion (The Lord’s Supper)
  • Elim Kids check-in system will be run by an Elim Kids Volunteer
  • All coffee/donuts will be served to individuals by our Hospitality Volunteers (as before they will be wearing gloves)
  • While we believe social interactions (shaking hands, hugs, conversation and laughter) are a beautiful and necessary expression of our humanity and to our relationships, we recognize some may not be comfortable with a quick return to this and so we would encourage a practice of asking “permission” before shaking a hand or giving a hug
  • Behind the scenes, we will be keeping an ongoing deep cleaning/disinfecting schedule of our entire building.

This reopening plan is a fluid plan and is subject to change. These Phases could move “fast,” but they could also move slower than anticipated.

We trust you to be, and commend you as, wise and responsible towards yourselves and others in matters of social distancing and common sense health practices.

Last but least, we encourage any of you who were tested and are willing, to send us your COVID test and/or antibody results. Doing so would enable us to compile an Elim Grace Body health snapshot, which may in turn help further calm any fears in our midst.

With great hope for the future,

Pastor Jonathan