Marriage Monday: The praise of the praiseworthy is beyond all rewards

October 18, 2021
October 18, 2021 Jonathan Evans

Marriage Monday: The praise of the praiseworthy is beyond all rewards

Dear Elim Grace,

It’s a Marriage Monday!

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

In The Two Towers, Sam Gamgee compliments Faramir on his bravery. Faramir knows he’s done only what was needful, what was his duty. A duty bound by humility and loyalty. In Faramir’s eyes, Sam knows this best, since he himself has bound himself to Frodo. 

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

If someone who knew little of humility and loyalty had complimented Faramir, it would have meant little. If someone who knew nothing about Faramir had paid the compliment, it would have meant nothing. But the praise from those who know us best means the most. The praise from those we love the most means the most.

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

The praise we receive for our marriage on social media is not above all rewards. The praise we receive from those who know little about humility and loyalty is not above all rewards. The praise we receive from those who know us little or not at all is not above all rewards. The praise we receive from those we know little or not at all is not above all rewards. 

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

The praise that is above all rewards is from our spouse “in secret,” away from the busy “street corner” of public attention and approval. The praise that is above all rewards is from our spouse in the quiet of our bedroom, in the whisper of a few words. The praise that is above all rewards is from our spouse in the admiration and affection no one else will ever see or hear. 

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

The praise that is above all rewards is from those married a decade or two beyond you, not behind you. The praise that is above all rewards is from a couple who would give their life for you and for whom you would give yours. No one in the world knows it but them, so the world can never praise you for it.

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

The praise that is above all rewards is from Jesus who teaches us that it’s what our Father sees us do in secret that is first of all worth doing. The praise that is above all rewards is from Jesus who didn’t speak or act on the basis of what could earn Him the highest honor from the public. The praise that is above all rewards is from Jesus who loved us and gave himself for us on the cross. Even as we are, unworthy now and forever of His now-and-forever love, humility, and loyalty. 

“The praise of the praiseworthy is above all rewards.” 

The praise that is above all rewards in a marriage is a praise public perception and admiration can’t add to nor take away from. 

Pastor Jonathan